Using LoRaWAN for Better Building Management 

New technologies, the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards, and urgent safety concerns during COVID-19 have combined to produce both enormous challenges and enormous opportunities for building management. By integrating LoRaWAN-powered IoT solutions and the data it provides, property managers can take control of both.

Enabling the Smart Buildings of Tomorrow, Today

With a LoRaWAN network of sensors providing reams of data, building stakeholders can integrate a sweeping range of applications to keep occupants safe and operational costs down. From providing smart metering to predictive cleaning and maintenance capabilities, data solutions pave the way toward a new era of building management.

Everynet’s LoRaWAN national network empowers building owners and operators in their smart building transformation. We offer a fully deployed, ultra-low-cost infrastructure that can rapidly connect billions of devices designed for massive scale. Make fast, informed decisions that optimize your building operations with access to real-time data to address these challenges:

Health and safety concerns
Waste management and water leakage
Sustainability goals 
Building maintenance
Tenant satisfaction and retention
Utility consumption and costs 

LoRaWAN in Action 

Check out these use cases to learn more about the benefits of Massive IoT and LoRaWAN for asset tracking and logistics.

Smart Building

Building Maintenance

Avoid the costly building damages that come from undetected issues such as water leaks or excessive humidity.
Smart Building

Indoor Air Quality

Monitor air quality and manage CO2 levels within indoor structures.
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